Sol Housing is a leader in maximizing sustainability and energy efficiency in an environment experiencing the effects of climate change.

Sol Housing, in partnership with Forth, the City of Albuquerque Sustainability Office, and PNM launched the Affordable Mobility Platform (AMP), a nationwide community carsharing program providing electric vehicles to affordable housing locations. We are proud to be part of this pilot program that increases mobility and equity to our community at PAH! Hiland Plaza and the surrounding neighborhood. The program provides a highly affordable transportation option to anyone in Albuquerque who can’t afford to own and maintain their own vehicles. The vehicles are located on the south side of the PAH! Hiland Plaza parking lot at Silver Avenue and Jackson Street.
Drivers must be 21 years old, have a valid driver’s license, and have a clean driving record. To get started, drivers must first download the MDO Carshare app from the App Store or Google Play. Check out the GoForth Flyer or Download the Phone App:

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. is the most widely used green building rating system in the world and an international symbol of excellence. Through design, construction, and operations practices that improve environmental and human health, LEED-certified buildings are helping to make the world more sustainable. Sol Housing works diligently to meet the highest rating possible under the protocols for LEED for Homes.
Sol Housing LEED Platinum certified properties:
Plaza Feliz
Plaza Ciudaña
Casa Feliz
Cuatro Senior
Sterling Downtown
Luminaria Senior Community
PAH! Hiland Plaza

ENERGY STAR® certified buildings save energy, save money, and help protect the environment by generating fewer greenhouse gas emissions than typical buildings. To be certified as ENERGY STAR®, a building must meet strict energy performance standards set by EPA. Several of our properties have earned or will earn this stringent certification. Our newest communities are ENERGY STAR® certified buildings and all of our properties include ENERGY STAR® appliances and lighting.
Sol Housing Energy Star certified properties:
Plaza Ciudaña
Luminaria Senior Community
PAH! Hiland Plaza
Under Construction:
Farolito Senior Community
Somos Apartments